Thought of the week
“Everytime you SUBTRACT negative from your life, you make room for more positive”
Monday 26th
- Bank of Ireland Representative meeting the schools banking team
Tuesday 27th
- LC2 French Mock Orals
- 1st Year Hurling Blitz, leaving @10am
Wednesday 28th
- LC2 French Mock Orals
- 1st Year Maths Competition for all first years, Class 5 and 6.
- Juvenile Hurling: HRC vs Kinvara @12pm, leaving @10am
- 1st Year Table Quiz in the Library from 13:25 to 13:50. Please give your name to Ms. Costello before lunchtime Wednesday.
- Connacht Cross Country Finals in Calry, Sligo at 12 noon (weather permitting)
Thursday 1st
- LC2 French Mock Orals
- Forensics Workshop
- 1st Year History Workshop, by Michael Moylan
Friday 2nd
- TY Parish Project in Knock
- 1st Year boys basketball quarter final in Loughrea (st Rapheals), leaving at 09:15.