Thought of the week
Stay positive,
Work hard,
Make it happen.
A Students Prayer
As I begin to study for the exams I face,
I ask you Lord for the courage and grace,
To meet this challenge and do my best,
To stay calm and focused during every test.
This prayer I make to you today,
Help me Lord and with me stay.
School Events
Monday 21st
- Transition Year Mass @6pm in HRC
- Transition Year Graduation
- Sports and Extra-curricular awards
Tuesday 22nd
- Prionsias Nolan Memorial Soccer Match (staff vs students)
- 1st Year Hurling final in Duggan park @12 noon
Wednesday 23rd
- All 2nd year science students trip to Tayto park
- Junior Certificate mass @3pm in Mountbellew church
Thursday 24th
- No scheduled events
Friday 25th
- 1st Year Basketball final, venue and time to be confirmed
- Leaving Certificate Graduation mass in Parish Church