Monday 7th
- Feast of the Holy Rosary
- Staff & retired teachers Mass @ 16:15 in School
- 1st Year boys football vs Garbally in Ballinasloe @12pm
- Alan Durant (author) talk to 1st year students
 Tuesday 8th
- Mock Trials Team in New York
Wednesday 9th
- Emmet Major – 1st Year Talk @7pm
- Senior Golf Finals (TBC)
- HRC vs Athenry – Rugby – in Monivea
- U14 ladies football match vs Ballinasloe in Mountbellew
- Mock Trials Team in New York
Thursday 10th
- All TYs attending Zeminar
- Mock Trials Team in New York
Friday 11th
- Junior Mass (2nd and 3rd Years) @ 12:40 in Parish Church
- Senior Camogie match vs St. Killians New Inn @10am in Mountbellew
- Mock Trials Team in New York