General Information

Listed here are the various times, routines, rules and regulations of the school day in HRC. If you have any questions please get in touch.

The School Day

The School Day

  • The school opens at 7.50 am for students on early buses.
  • There is supervised morning study from 7.50am to 9.00am.
  • Students should be in school not later than 8.50 a.m.
  • The timetable in HRC (6 class periods) is divided as follows:
  • 9.00 – 11.00, two classes: (9.00 & 10:00)
  • 11.00 – 11.20 Morning Break
  • 11.20 – 1.20, two classes: (11.20 / 12.20)
  • 1.20 – 2.00 Lunch
  • 2.00 – 4.00, two classes: (2.00 / 3.00)
  • Fridays, finish 1.20pm
  • Students should use only the official exits when leaving the school grounds.

The school remains open until 5.00 pm each day and students on late buses may study after school. The school office is open from 9.00 am to 1.15 pm and from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm each school day.


Local students may go home for Lunch. (A letter confirming this to be submitted in September). Students should bring a good packed lunch. A canteen service is provided in the Assembly Hall at break-time and lunch-time daily. Soup, sandwiches, filled rolls, fruit, pasta, freshly baked scones and full dinners are available. A healthy eating programme is encouraged in the school.

Going Down Town

Students are not allowed down town before morning study or at morning break. Junior students are not allowed down town at lunchtime. Senior students, who receive permission from their parents / guardians, may be allowed down town at lunch-time.

Appointment / Leaving School

Students who have appointments during the school day must present an official note to the Deputy Principal before going to class that morning. Students must be collected from the school by a parent / guardian, who must sign a register on departure. This register must also be signed on the student’s return where applicable.

Attendance / Absences

A very good attendance record is essential if a student is to complete the course in any subject and do well in public examinations. Prospective Employers regularly ask for full details of a student’s attendance / absences over 2 years when they contact the school for a reference. Attendance / absence records for each student are computerised and are available from the Deputy Principal on request. Students who have been absent must present an official note of explanation to the Deputy Principal when they return to school. The Education Welfare Act (2002) imposes a legal obligation on schools to notify the Education Welfare Officer where absences exceed 20 days in any school year.

Personal Accident Insurance

All students must join the personal accident insurance scheme provided by Allianz Insurance. Application Forms will be given to students in September.


The following are the details of the Uniform:

  • Boys: Black jumper with school crest, white shirt, mid-grey trousers as specified. A white t-shirt may be worn inside shirt.
  • Girls: Black jumper with school crest, white shirt, tartan skirt as specified. A white t-shirt may be worn inside shirt.
  • The full uniform must be worn on each school day throughout the year. Black shoes are recommended.

School Books

Book lists are issued in May / June each year.


School lockers are available to all students. These can help reduce the weigh of school-bags. A rental system operates on an annual basis.


Regular homework / revision is necessary to reinforce what is taught and learned in class. All students must have a homework diary. The diary should be kept in good order and should be used for the sole purpose of recording homework. Teachers may check class diaries at any time and parents / guardians should check the diary weekly.

School Transport

School Transport is available to all students who live outside a designated distance from the school. Application forms for the transport scheme are available on line from Bus Eireann. Bus Éireann has its own code of discipline for students using school buses and parents and students should become familiar with this code. The school co-operates with Bus Éireann to ensure good discipline on the buses.

Home/School Links

The school has an active Parents’ Association whose committee has representatives from each area served by the school. An AGM open to all parents is held each year in October. Parent-Teacher meetings are held for all classes each year. Those meetings provide a valuable opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss the students’ progress. Individual meetings with subject teachers can also be arranged at other times by appointment. Reports on each student’s performance are sent to parents three times a year.

Communication with Parents

Parents are kept informed of school events through regular circulars, texts, newsletters, website and a school calendar. Parents will be contacted individually when necessary.

The Students

The School has a long established Class Prefect structure. Staff elect Senior Prefects and the Head Boy and Head Girl annually, while students elect representatives from each year group to the Students’ Council.